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Construction of AHVS block in agriculture university starts

13 Aug, 2005

NWFP Governor Khalil-ur-Rehman has stressed need for developing and maintaining linkages with the farming community, the agro based industries and the allied organisations on regular and sustainable basis with the basic aim to ensure planning of research activities in accordance to the priorities of the concerned agencies.
Addressing a well attended gathering educationists, researchers and students at the premises of NWFP Agriculture University, after formally laying foundation stone of construction of the Academic Block of it's Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences on Thursday, the governor further desired that the research must be problems solving oriented which, he remarked, is only possible, if the researchers would have close contact with the respective communities.
The ceremony was also addressed by the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Dr Said Khan Khalil. The project is expected to be completed in 15 months time at a cost of about Rs 26.2 millions.
Expressing concern over the per acre low yield in Pakistan especially in this province, the governor said, unfortunately, it is happening despite the fact that we have sufficient level of the technical know how, trained manpower and vast tract of land as well as the allied resources. "This is the age of research and per acre yield in some advanced countries is more than double to our country", he said.
In this connection, while referring to importance of dairy items, he said, even countries smaller than Pakistan, are producing dairy items in large scale quantity as well. In fact, the governor regretted, Pakistan being predominantly agro-based economy and 10th largest country in the world, having far better soil strata and environment as compared to many advanced countries, is importing dairy items.
Talking about the world scenario, the governor said, with the introduction of World Trade Organisation (WTO) regime, the Pakistan is also facing risks and challenges and we must have to strive to convert these apprehensions into opportunities. Indeed, he remarked, we are living in a competitive world and those who are hardworking and applying their full mental faculties, shall be ultimately the winners.
The present government, the governor said, is quite conscious of the problems being faced by the farming community, both in the crops and livestock sectors and has taken major steps to improve a lot of the communities involved. During the recent past, he added, both the federal and the provincial governments have announced agricultural policies.
Referring to the keen interest being taken by the President General Pervez Musharraf in this connection, he said, he, after visiting various dairy sectors abroad especially in New Zealand, has also desired to develop Pakistan's dairy on modern lines.
Appreciating the initiatives taken by the NWFP University of Agriculture, the governor also urged upon the faculty, researchers and staff of the university to continue their efforts with greater zeal, determination and dedication to upgrade agricultural education and research and transform it into a center of an ideal learning and excellence. However, he also urged the management of the university to further improve the quality of education and research and make it compatible with domestic as well as international requirements.
The Vice Chancellor of the University Professor Dr Said Khan Khalil, Dean, Faculty of Animal Husbandry Professor Dr Fazal Raziq Durrani, and Principal of the project Professor Dr Amjad, while addressing on this occasion highlighted the working as well as achievements of the university.
It was said on this occasion that almost 50 students have done their Ph.D from the University up till now while 130 are doing their Ph.Ds presently. Earlier the governor went round various research laboratories of the Institute of Bio-Technology and Genetic Engineering and took keen interest in their working.
While referring to their plan of action, they said, the project is basically aimed at to enhance the capability in the emerging sciences; give commercial orientation to the field of animal husbandry as well as facilitate the farming community to enhance the capacity of production.
As far as agriculture production is concerned, they said, new varieties of food crops and fruits and vegetables have been introduced.
Similarly, it was added, development of new linkages with different foreign institutions is also in the process. Earlier the governor formally laid the foundation stone of the project by un-veiling a plaque.

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