Khushhali Bank provides micro-finance services

13 Aug, 2005

The Khushhali Bank (KB) now provides micro-finance services to over 500,000 under-privileged households through a network of 140 outlets. The Bank, ever since commencement of operations exactly five years ago, has had multiple successes and gained accolades from all quarters.
According to a press release issued here on Thursday, the Bank's full-spirited front-office staff has acquired exceptional insight into markets often imposing highly volatile conditions.
More significantly, the government of Pakistan has created a conducive environment under which the KB has paved way for grassroots economic growth, a trend that is only likely to show improvements in time.
The KB accolades numerous success stories of individuals across Pakistan engaged in micro-entrepreneurship working towards achieving self-sustainability for a better and a prosper livelihood.-PR

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