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ITC to hold 'government-business dialogue' from October 4

30 Sep, 2005

A high-level 'Government-Business Dialogue for Development' is being organised by the International Trade Center (ITC), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (Unescap) and the Government of Macao, China from October 4 to 6, 2005 at Macao.
It will be followed by a meeting of the Asia-Pacific Research and Trading Network on Trade (ARTNeT) on October 6 and 7. These regional dialogues would be held among government policy-makers, business practitioners, policy analyst and researchers on Doha Round development issues of common interest and concern.
Authorities organising these events also inviting two business leaders from private sector each from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong/China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timore Leste and Vietnam. From Pakistan, Chairman Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts Exporters, Tahir Javed Malik and known businessman Muhammad Akber Sheikh have been invited to attend these events.
Tahir Javed Malik, while giving details of the programme to Business Recorder said here on Thursday that purpose of the meeting was to bring together policy makers and business leaders from the Asia Pacific Region for an interactive discussion and draw upon the benefits of ITC's "Business for Development" approach and UNESCAP's high-level policy dialogue.
This multi-stakeholder event would provide an open forum to exchange views on business implications of the various issues under negotiation in WTO, and help to provide a greater common understanding on the key regional development issues and their implications on business ahead of the completion of the negotiation, he added.

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