Minister for Information and Broadcasting Sheikh Rashid Ahmed on Monday visited the quake-hit areas of AJK and the NWFP. During his visit to Balakot, Garhi Habibullah, Rawlakot and Muzaffarabad, the minister told the notables of the respective areas that the relief operation was being launched after the conclusion of the rescue operation, in the quake-devastated areas.
He said that the launch of relief operation was hampered due to the damage caused to the road infrastructure. However, he said, helicopter service is being launched to set in the relief operation in the most difficult terrain of AJK.
Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said that all efforts were in hand to provide them edibles, tents, medical assistance and medicines. He said the government would also provide assistance to people in reconstruction of houses and their rehabilitation.
He said: "The people in this hour of trial cannot be left alone and the government would make all out efforts for their rehabilitation."
Sheikh Rashid said: "Efforts are being made to provide assistance on humanitarian grounds apart from the political or any other consideration."
A number of foreign media teams also visited the quake-hit areas in AJK.