Prime Minister announces 12-point strategy for rehabilitation

18 Oct, 2005

Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz expressing his deepest condolences to the bereaved families who lost their loved ones in the devastating earthquake said the government would ensure early rehabilitation of the victims and announced 12- point strategy plan for this purpose.
Chairing a special meeting of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council here at Prime Minister's Secretariat on Monday, he said the government was committed for early rehabilitation of the affected people.
Prime Minister said he had issued special directives to all the concerned departments and agencies involved in relief, recovery and reconstruction phases to focus on the early rehabilitation of the people.
Explaining his 12-point strategy plan for reconstruction and rehabilitation, the Prime Minister said there was a need to shift survivors from rubbles to tents and decent transitional shelters as quickly as possible.
He underlined the need to identify overlaps and gaps in relief to impacted areas, regulate private, foreign and public sector relief goods and services and fill the gaps.
He directed to gear up medical and trauma treatment for the injured and to arrange transitional schools, hospitals and other public offices to restore the government structure.
Shaukat Aziz further explaining the 12-point strategy plan directed the concerned authorities and departments to prepare reconstruction plan for the impacted areas including full restoration of infrastructure, setting priorities, co-ordinating support at ground level and implementation of the plan in more accountable and transparent manner.

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