More relief goods from US arrive

19 Oct, 2005

More relief goods from the United States would arrive soon to assist Pakistan in relief work for the earthquake victims. United States consul general Ms Mary H. Witt said this while handing over to Pakistani authorities second consignment of relief supplies, which arrived at the Karachi Port here on Tuesday.
Two US ships are ferrying several tonnes of heavy machinery and other earthquake relief equipment and supplies to Pakistan. The machinery was immediately offloaded to assist victims of devastating October 8 earthquake.
"The United States and the people of Pakistan share a long and historic friendship. We are honoured to be able to assist a friend, who will remain an important ally. At this difficult time, the United States stands with the people of Pakistan in their hour of need, just as they stood with us and offered assistance after Hurricane Katrina," Mary Witt said.
"In America, we are seeing reports of thousands dead and millions now suffering and made homeless, and we are doing as much as possible to help," she said.
Vessels 'MV Northern Lights' and the United States Naval ship US 'Pearl Harbour' were diverted from normal operations to urgently load more than 25 dumper trucks, front-end loaders, backhoes, cargo trucks, a road grader, a fork lifter, a generator and other equipment and other supplies.
The equipment and supplies represent just a portion of up to 50 million dollars in disaster relief pledged by the United States. The equipment was immediately transferred to the government of Pakistan for deployment to the most badly affected areas.
Ongoing relief efforts are already underway by the US Agency for International Development, the department of defence and other US federal agencies.
The United States has already deployed helicopters, medical teams and other technical personnel and donated more than 483 tonnes of tents, water, blankets, medicines and other supplies. Individual contributions toward donation from concerned Americans have already totalled more than 10 million dollars.
"All efforts in Karachi are to assist the people of Pakistan, the government of Pakistan in response to terrible tragedy. What we can do to help you in your efforts we are committed to do," Ms Witt said.
"This is only a small portion of those supplies. We pledge to you that you will get much more and we are here to help you," she added.
Pakistan Navy Captain Asif Khalid said this was the first ship or aid arrived through sea. "The US is the first country to send relief goods via sea to help us and we are very thankful to them."
Speaking on the occasion, the Commanding Officer of Pearl Harbour Captain Jonathan Harnded offered condolence on the heavy loss of life and property in earthquake in Pakistan on behalf of US Navy, himself and his family.
"We are proud to be able to offer a little bit of assistance in providing this equipment. We travelled at high speed to deliver equipment as early as we can," he said.
"This is heavy equipment which US Navy uses for road construction, clear roads. Our construction experts will fly in and link up with their Pakistani counterparts and work to clear critical roads for smooth supply of relief goods in affected areas."
Jonathan said USA enjoys a long historic relationship with Pakistan and they come closer over the last three years with the war on terrorism. We value this relationship and proud to stand by the government of Pakistan as she stood by us when needed assistance.
He also appreciated Pakistan Navy and port authorities for speedy entry and berthing of his ship at the port.

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