'Quality citrus fruits can fetch precious forex'

19 Oct, 2005

Improvement of citrus fruit quality could enhance its export and consequently fetch huge earnings for the country. This was stated by Dr Muhammad Afzal, Director General Agriculture (Research), Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad while addressing a seminar on 'Issues in Citrus Export in Punjab'.
Highlighting the constraints of citrus exports to other countries, Dr Afzal stressed the need for producing seedless 'kinnow' as the product could capture huge European markets. Agricultural research could offer solutions to the citrus export problems and could contribute tremendously to realise the citrus fruit export potential, Dr Afzal added.
Earlier, Muhammad Ather Mahmood elaborated in detail the prevalent marketing channel of citrus production. Narrating the constraints of citrus exports, the speaker informed that deterioration of fruit quality, lack of storage and transport facilities were major hurdles in exporting citrus fruit to other countries. He further stated that Pakistan was facing tremendous competition for exporting citrus fruit and in order to meet the challenge, besides improving fruit quality, the export friendly policies need to be formulated.

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