Stronger ties with Tunis explored in IT and telecom: Awais

20 Oct, 2005

Minister for Information Technology Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari on Wednesday sought greater co-operation between Pakistan and Tunis for growth and promotion of telecom and IT sectors in the country.
Following a meeting with Tunisian Ambassador to Pakistan Zouhaier Dhouadi, the Minister underlined biotechnology and renewable energy alongside IT and telecom as key areas for co-operation in research and development between the two countries.
"There is a tremendous scope for co-operation in these areas and we are keen to make joint ventures to improve our IT products with a view to penetrating the international market," he said.
He said the two countries had a lot to learn from each other and both had agreed to formulate a joint strategy to promote their IT exports.
He invited the Tunisian investors and entrepreneurs to invest in the fields of information technology and telecommunications in Pakistan following deregulation of telecom sector.
Awais Leghari also spoke of the government efforts for promotion of IT and telecom sectors, with particular focus on the expansion of Internet and telephone facilities in far-flung areas of the country.

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