Annan lauds Pakistan and India for setting aside rifts

21 Oct, 2005

United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan on Wednesday praised Pakistan and India for setting aside differences and co-operating in bringing relief to victims of the massive earthquake, saying the two rivals had provided an example for others to emulate.
"When it comes to saving lives, we should not let politics and other disagreements get in the way," he said while responding to a question at his press conference at which he made appeals for more funds for Pakistan to deal with the "traumatic" situation.
"And I think the reactions of both leaders and the two governments (Pakistan and India) have been exemplary," he said, adding: "I hope other governments around the world will follow that example when they find themselves in a similar situation."
Annan also said he was "very encouraged" to hear the two neighbours might allow free crossing of the Line of Control (LoC) and further cooperate in helping victims of the devastating earthquake that struck on October 8 killing thousands of people in both the countries.

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