Islamabad airport accommodating maximum relief flights

22 Oct, 2005

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in order to accommodate maximum number of relief flights at the Islamabad International Airport is diverting other flights to Lahore airport.
According to the Authority, all efforts are, however, being made to maintain normal operations at the Islamabad airport keeping passengers' convenience in mind and at the same time accommodating maximum number of relief flights.
Islamabad is, at present, a joint user airport with limited parking space on civil apron side. A total of 11 parking bays, including five for wide-bodied aircraft are available at Islamabad.
The CAA has already exempted all relief flights from landing/housing and navigational charges. However, handling services are provided by handling agencies who have their own system of charging the aircraft for services provided to them. The Authority also clarified that the Islamabad airport has only one very old thermal camera for search in smoke environment and not 30 as has been reported in a section of the press.

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