1100 trucks of tents, blankets sent to affected areas

22 Oct, 2005

As many as 1100 trucks of tents, blankets and quilts, dry rations and other necessities have so far been sent to the affected areas from the three districts of former Faisalabad division, ie Faisalabad, Jhang and Toba Tek Singh districts so far.
Of these, 97 trucks were sent from Jhang, 25 trucks from Toba Tek Singh and 935 trucks were sent from Faisalabad district.
Giving details, DCO Athar Hussain Sial said that our of 935 trucks sent from Faisalabad, 64 have been sent through the relief centers set up by the district government while remaining 871 were sent by different industrialists, traders, NGO's, welfare organisations and general public who joined hands for this noble cause.
The trucks sent include 362 trucks of blankets and quilts, 395 trucks of dry rations, 12 trucks of tents and 106 trucks of medicines.
The DCO lauded the role of different welfare organisations, traders, businessmen and public at large for taking care of their trouble stricken brethren through donations. He said that they were taking part in this noble cause with an exemplary zeal and spirit and that the sense of care, affection and concern displayed by them for the affected people as well as the spirit with which they were sending relief goods to the quake hit areas had no parallel in the past. They, in fact, have practically demonstrated that they considered the sufferings and pains of their troubled brethren to be their own pains and sufferings pointed out Athar Sial.
The DCO announced for the information and knowledge of the public that tents, blankets, quilts, warm clothing, medicines, shoes and socks and dry rations etc were needed on priority basis in the affected areas and requested them to keep these requirements in mind while making and collecting donations. The DCO said that for further clarification or information they could contact the "Information and Co-ordination Centre" of the District Government Faisalabad on Phone Nos. 9200214 and 9200590.

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