Clifton underpass

23 Oct, 2005

Now that the Clifton underpass has attained completion, I would like to draw the attention of authorities concerned to the following points which need their consideration.
All the service roads and side streets have been totally ruined on account of their use by heavy trucks, trailers, buses and other diverted traffic during the last over six months that the underpass has been under construction - These need urgent attention.
Most of the manholes on the service roads and side streets have been broken by heavy traffic and are lying open posing serious risk to pedestrians and vehicles.
These need to be attended to. While on the question of manholes, I would like to point out that most of the manholes are constructed well above the level of the road.
Motorists have either to risk breaking their exhausts by passing over them or slow down and deviate causing obstruction to the smooth flow of traffic. I suggest that all manholes should be constructed at street level and the manhole covers should be such as to prevent their theft by un-scrupulous persons.
Many of the parking lots around Schon Circle have been encroached upon by food stalls and hawkers.
This is particularly so in case of the parking lot in front of Delawala Centre, where two food stalls have practically converted the parking lot into their outlets by spreading out tables and chairs to serve their customers.
One of them has even put up a shamiana. A number of fruit vendors are also occupying substantial part of the avail-able parking places. These need to be removed and steps taken to ensure that they do not reappear within a few days.
Pavements on the service roads and side lanes are also practically not in existence forcing pedestrians to use roads which not only is a hazard to themselves but obstructs smooth flow of traffic. These also need to be attended.
I hope the authorities concerned will attend to these mat-ters to restore normalcy of the Schon Circle and its surrounding areas.

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