Australian wool prices hold firm

23 Oct, 2005

Australian wool prices ended virtually unchanged this week, after good competition in the sale room and a continuing trend of good clearances.
The Australian Wool Exchange Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) rose by 1c over the week to finish at 672 cents a kg clean.
This was based on a rise of 1 cent in the northern market indicator (Newcastle/Sydney) to 681 cents a kg clean, and a rise of 1 cent in the southern market indicator (Melbourne) to 664 cents. In Fremantle, the western regional indicator also rose by 1 cent to 649 cents a kg clean.
However, the general direction of the market remained flat, the Australian Wool Industries Secretariat said.
"Prices for fleece types were relatively steady during the week, with small fluctuations in either direction," it said.
Buyers for Italy were strong in the Newcastle sale, while buyers for China were again dominant in the south and the west.
This week 8.2 percent of the week's offering of 60,212 bales were passed in.
Next week 62,122 bales are rostered for sale in Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle.
The Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) said its eastern market indicator (EMI) was unchanged at 672 cents a kg clean at its sales on Thursday.
AWEX said its northern indicator (Newcastle) was steady at 681 c/kg, while the southern indicator (Melbourne) gained a cent to 664 c/kg. In Fremantle, the western indicator was down one cent to 649 c/kg.
In Newcastle, spinners types were well supported, particularly the 17-18 micron range, which finished a cent higher.
The southern market closed marginally dearer. Most fleeces registered little change, with 19 microns the biggest winner gaining two cents.
The Fremantle sale remained relatively steady throughout the session, with 18.5-21 microns all unchanged to slightly cheaper. The 21.5-22 microns saw losses of around 5 cents. The broader microns went against the trend, with the 23 and a small selection of 23.5 microns up to 5 cents dearer.
There were 22,945 bales offered for sale, of which 9.5 percent were passed in.
Sales resume in Sydney and Melbourne on October 25 and in Fremantle on October 26.

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