Installation of tracking system ordered

24 Oct, 2005

District Nazim Lahore Mian Amir Mehmood has directed District Officer (DO) Solid Waste Management to complete installation of "tracking system" on all the trucks of Solid Waste Management (SWM) Department by November 21, 2005, so as to improve its efficiency.
He passed these directions during a high-level meeting of the district government which was attended by EDO (Revenue) Dr Akhtar Nazir Warriach, DO (Finance) Mian Waheed, Project Manager Computerisation of Land Revenue Record Rubab and DO (SWM) Muhammad Rafiq Jatoi.
Mian Amir also took serious note of deficiency of those officials who failed to complete the computerisation of land revenue record.
He warned the officials of strict action in case of negligence in future and directed to complete the process land revenue record by December 31, 2005.
The Tracking System was introduced two years before to check the consumption of petrol in trucks and improve their efficiency. The contractor firm, however, failed to complete the project of installing tracking system on 139 trucks and could install the same only on 40 trucks.
District Nazim took serious notice of delinquency of the responsible officials and directed to get complete the process on all the trucks by November 21.

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