Petroleum prices

24 Oct, 2005

The recent transport strike in Karachi was unjustified. The transporters failed to appreciate that the government is helpless when any increase in petroleum prices is put in operation. A portion of the blame falls on the government that it has failed to educate the strikers for reasons in periodical increases.
A barrel of crude oil that was costing $28.00 is now at $65.00. The government cannot absorb the fluctuation in prices of crude oil and transporters have to bear the brunt of such increase.
Periodically fares have been raised to counter crude oil increases. Some of the transporters have in the past unanimously increased fares, which hurt the public pocket but it swallowed that bitter pill with patience. It is time the transporters adopt diplomacy rather than a threatening posture of strikes.
It is worth mentioning that in the USA the public has restored to the use of cycles for short distances.
It is a sensible alternative and if adopted in Pakistan it could save a portion of the import bill for crude oil. Let our print and electronic media come into play. Why cannot our Chaudharies and Khans shed the Pajero culture and move about in smaller 800 cc cars? We need to change our outlook on prestige and adopt measures that fall in line with our economy. Take the case of India where their mantaries use an 800 cc Maruti cars for official duties.

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