Mobile manners

24 Oct, 2005

Now a days a local mobile company in Pakistan is giving a public message through an advertisement in different tv channels for mobile phone users to adopt mobile manners. This is first of its kind a Pakistani mobile company is teaching us mobile manners ie where and how mobile phone is used in a society.
No where in the world has taught any mobile manners to its nation, but Pakistani nation is being taught manners specially mobile manners. It is very painful that we do not know manners how to use our mobile phones.
We neglect to switch off our mobile phones even at the mosques. Despite requests are made by the imam of mosque. We never bother to follow the request. It is often seen that many people speak loudly and laughingly over mobile phone at grave yard during burial time of our kith and kin we donot care for bereaved family.
Really we have forgot all manners. A mobile company is doing right thing by giving this type of public message at TV channels. Some one has rightly said "common sense is uncommon" in Pakistan.

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