Five top US CEOs to raise funds

28 Oct, 2005

US President George W. Bush on Thursday enlisted the aid of five US industry leaders to raise relief aid for victims of the October 8 earthquake. The United Nations has expressed concern at the world's failure to come up with more money to help in saving hundreds of thousands of Pakistani quake survivors before winter sets in.
Americans threw heaps of cash towards victims of last December's tsunami in South Asia and hurricanes Katrina and Rita along the US Gulf Coast.
But the quake has not generated the same generosity. Bush said the five industry leaders would launch an effort across the country to raise awareness and resources to help those in need.
The leaders were identified as Jeff Immelt, chairman and chief executive officer, General Electric Co; Hank McKinnell Jr., chairman and CEO, Pfizer Inc; Sandy Weill, chairman, Citigroup Inc; Anne Mulcahy, chairman and CEO, Xerox Corp; and Jim Kelly, former chairman and CEO, United Parcel Service of America Inc.
"In the coming days, they will ask Americans to donate directly to a fund set up to provide help to the earthquake victims," Bush said.

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