Fast University collects Rs 2.66 million for quake victims

28 Oct, 2005

The Students, staff and the faculty members of Fast National University have collected rupees 2.66 million for quake stricken people in one week, says a press release here on Thursday. The University intends to participate in the rehabilitation phase, the release added.
It further said that out off total amount collected, rupees 1.5 million were spent on purchase of relief goods, which the staff and students distributed in remote areas. The students and staff of all campuses of the University from Karachi to Peshawar also donated more than 300 bottles of blood.
To help the shelter-less people of quake affected areas; the Fast has purchased around 200 tents of different sizes at a cost of rupees 1.53 million. Some of these have already been given to the needy and the remaining 140 tents are being handed over on Thursday to a representative of the cabinet division.
Rupees 1.16 million will be spent to rehabilitate quake-affected people. Priority being given to employees of the university, the release concluded.-PR

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