British parliamentarians call on Punjab chief minister

29 Oct, 2005

British Parliament Member Muhammad Sarwar met Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi on Friday. Member British Parliament Shahid Malik, Sadik Khan and others accompanied him on the occasion.
Punjab CM apprised the British parliamentarians that Punjab Government in order to cope with the challenges of earthquake had taken short and long-term measures in that regard.
He said steps had been taken for reconstruction of houses and schools in the affected areas. Punjab Government had till the day provided relief amounting to rupees 1.25 billion in the quake hit areas.
Regarding measures taken in the health sector by the Punjab Government for quake hit people, he said an arrangement of 13,000 beds had been made. He said the establishment of autonomous organisation to deal with calamities would solve all such problems.
Member British Parliament Muhammad Sarwar said a plan to undertake rehabilitation of quake affected had been undertaken.

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