Prime Minister commends world support for quake victims

29 Oct, 2005

A two-member delegation comprising Bishop Michael Nazir Ali, Member House of Lords and Bishop of Rochester and Bishop Azad Marshal Bishop of Gulf and Iran called on Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz here on Friday.
They briefed the Prime Minister about the activities undertaken and planned by them for the relief, rescue and rehabilitation of earthquake affected areas.
Talking to the delegation, Prime Minister Aziz commended the efforts of international community in the relief and rescue phase as well as for providing funds for the rebuilding and reconstruction phase.
He said that international community irrespective of religious faiths and sects have shown a rare spirit of volunteerism and shared the grief of Pakistani people.
Bishop Michael Nazir Ali, presented a cheque of Rs 500,000 on behalf of Institute for Basic Adults Development and Training (IBADT).
"This is a problem of humanity and time to build interfaith harmony. The general feeling of sharing shown by the world community and the efforts made by the international community show that humanity transcends all borders," said the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister said so far 55,000 fatalities had been confirmed with 78,000 wounded.
He said the relief and rescue work was in full swing. The Prime Minister said many people have become disabled as a result of the quake while several others have been traumatised by the tragedy.
The Prime Minister asked the delegation to set up a Limbs Centre in one of flood affected areas. "If no building is available set up the centre in tent", said the Prime Minister.
Bishop Michael Nazir Ali presented a concept paper about setting up a centre for interfaith harmony in Pakistan.
Minister for Culture and Youth Affairs Mohammad Ali Durrani and Professor Mushtaq Victor, Federal parliamentary Secretary for Minority Affairs were also present during the meeting.

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