Call for turning quake tragedy into opportunity for peace

29 Oct, 2005

British Kashmiris who observed October 27 as a 'Black Day' to mark Indian occupation of their land, called for turning the earthquake disaster into an opportunity for peace.
British Kashmiris All Parties Co-ordination Committee in co-operation with the Justice Foundation Kashmir Centre organised a demonstration in front of the Indian High Commission here on Friday.
The participants on the occasion wore black straps and carried placards inscribed with slogans against Indian occupation and human rights violation.
A delegation of the Kashmiri leaders comprising Professor Nazir Shawl, Bostan Qadri, Mohammed Ghalib, Khan, Farooq Khan, Sardar Ali, Javed Rashid and Mohammed Sharif handed over a memorandum to the Indian High Commission which emphasised the need for a productive and meaningful dialogue on the Kashmir issue.
"We are presenting this memorandum at a time when there is huge destruction and devastation in divided Kashmir. This human tragedy could be transformed into an opportunity for peace by statesmanship and political will," said the memorandum.
It said people on both sides of Kashmir should be allowed unhindered movement across the cease-fire line so that much-needed assistance could be provided to the sufferers and added it would be a great confidence-building measure.
The memorandum urged the Indian government to give the Kashmiris their basic rights and right of self-determination along with other fundamental freedoms.
On the occasion a memorandum appealed to Tony Blair Government to play a proactive role in making the peace process successful by empowering the participation of Kashmiris in it.
It was also said that humanitarian aid must be provided to the suffering people in the quake-hit areas of Indian-held Kashmir.

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