Canadian dollar down

30 Oct, 2005

The Canadian dollar fell slightly versus the US currency on Friday, as strong data gave the greenback a lift. The currency was at C$1.1748 to the US dollar, or 85.12 US cents, down from C$1.1719 to the US dollar, or 85.33 US cents, at Thursday's session close.
The US currency pushed higher after a stronger-than-expected early read on third-quarter US economic growth, but gains were muted as the market took the numbers with a grain of salt given the disruptive impact of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
"I think there is a degree of scepticism, and people will wait to see how the numbers pan out for the fourth quarter, rather than putting too much weight on the third quarter," said Adam Cole, senior currency strategist at RBC Capital Markets.
A mixed report on Canadian factory prices also had little impact on the currency, as traders instead focused on high natural gas prices and expectations that the Bank of Canada plans to keep raising interest rates.
Canada's September factory prices rose 0.4 percent from August mainly on petroleum costs, falling short of the 0.6 percent monthly rise expected by analysts.

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