Extreme profiteering

04 Nov, 2005

Our traders unfortunately are opportunists sitting on their haunches to pounce on the public to make a quick buck. They have no consideration it is Ramazan - Eid or any other religious function.
The public saw it in the recent earthquake disaster when prices of medicines, blankets, tents shot up beyond any justifiable limit so that these opportunists could collect mare money.
The Govt had to intervene to stop profiteering. Orders were issued to ban all export of tents till the situation stabilised in the country. Another culprit were the drug stores that jacked up their prices beyond a reasonable limit because of shortages.
The pharmaceutical companies did not reduce their prices in this hour of crisis. Our medicines are the most expensive if we glance at India, Bangladesh etc. The manufacturing companies in connivance with govt officials raise prices at regular intervals. No questions asked! The govt's claim of price control and poverty alleviation appears to be a hoax.
During Ramazan the govt could not control prices of consumer items. Fruits/vegetables were sold at the shopkeepers asking price. The price list issued at the district level is a laugh if you go deep into how and who prepares it.
The trouble is that our "Big Sahibs" - do not get out of their cosy offices into the field to check how the public is being looted and booted by the unscrupulous sellers. No raids by City Magistrates or the Municipal staff are conducted.
Where is the authority in Pakistan to tell the administration to get out and spend two hours a day outside checking shops, markets for price and quality control. This has failed miserably and that too at the grass root level.

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