PPP opposes privatisation of strategic assets

09 Nov, 2005

Pakistan Peoples Party still believes in mixed economy and social democracy and is against privatisation of strategic assets of the country, said Senator Raza Rabbani.
Talking to Business Recorder here on Tuesday, Rabbani reacted on privatisation of KESC and PTCL and stated that with failure of the government in managing these deals, the relevant minister should have courage to tender his resignation on his incapability.
"Who will fill the loss of nation in the two privatisation deals," he questioned and insisted that Prime Minister acknowledging the failure of his government in two privatisation deals should also give his resignation instantly.
He said it was unfortunate that National Accountability Bureau (NAB), which was always there to get hold of opposition, was not in sight on these follies of the government.
Showing his reservations over presence of the Nato for relief operations, the PPP leader said neither Cabinet nor parliament was taken into confidence in this connection.
On a question that whether tremor that hit the country was not enough for Benazir to come back, he replied if there was transparency and fairness in sight, the leader would have immediately returned to the country.
About the process of relief operation, Rabbani said that a single account under State Bank, controlled by Parliament should be opened for earthquake relief funding, which could be the only way to maintain financial transparency in earthquake relief monetary matters. He called for establishing parliamentary committee to conduct relief operations.
He urged to extend role of local and civil administration in tremor relief operations. In this connection he proposed formation of bipartisan committees in NWFP and Azad Kashmir assemblies for managing the relief operations.
The PPPP leader expressed his concern over the lesser relief funding from abroad and said foreign policy of the country had failed to divert the attention of the international donors towards the real impacts of devastating earthquake on the country's economy.
He said that opposition had played its due role in earthquake relief operations. About issuing of passport to Nawaz Sharif, the PPP leader said it was his right.

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