UPU organises design competition for IRC

11 Nov, 2005

Universal Postal Union (UPU), the supreme body co-ordinating the world postal affairs with its Headquarters at Seine, Switzerland, is organising a competition for the design of the new International Reply Coupons (IRC) hand in hand with Pakistan Post.
The theme of the competition of the IRC is 'the postage stamp: a vehicle for communication'. The new International Reply Coupon would be introduced for the users of the post around the world in the year 2006.
The designs would be sent to the international bureau of the Universal Postal Union, Switzerland where a jury set up by the Postal Operations Council (POC) members would vote and select the best design. The jury's decision would be final.
Pakistan Post will award Rs100,000 to the artist/designer in Pakistan whose design is selected by the jury. The interested artists/designers may contact Assistant Dy Director General (IP), S Shoaib Ali Jaffri at the Pakistan Post Headquarters, G-8/4, Islamabad.

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