Graduates advised to retain IBA quality

13 Nov, 2005

The fresh IBA graduates have been advised to retain the quality and professionalism that has become a hallmark of the Institute of Business Administration (IBA).
Dean of IBA Professor Danishmand gave the message while addressing the students in IBA Convocation 2005 at its main campus on Saturday. He reminded the students to use their learning to the best of their abilities in order to keep the name of their alma mater in the forefront of business education.
The professor advised them not to desert their ethical standards and be the persons who could be trusted by others without any reservation. "Reject the short cuts at the cost of integrity," he put in. He relished the fact that the IBA graduates had the capability to be enrolled in the best universities of the world.
He informed the audience that University of Toronto had expressed interest in student exchange programme with the IBA. It was a proof of the high standard of the Institute and its place in the eyes of the foreign academics. There was a plan in the offing to start training the trainers.
CBR had also entrusted the IBA to train its staff. "That too is a great honour and matter of recognition for the IBA," he concluded.
Justice Khilji Arif Hussain, chairman, Board of Governors of the IBA, stressed the need to have the highest moral values. He advised the graduates to maintain the great traditions and honour of the Institute with the best quality control.
The graduating students of the year 2004 and 2005 were conferred the degrees of Bachelor in Computer Science, Bachelor and Master in Business Administration. Gold medals were awarded to Sana Fatima Asghar and Dion Rodrigues as the best students of the year 2004 in Finance and Marketing respectively. Sana Fatima Asghar also bagged the Gold Medal for being overall best student of the year 2004.
Much to the disappointment of the audience, the convocation lacked the discipline and professionalism one would have expected from such a high profile institution. The programme was to begin at 10 am but it began at 11:30 am. Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad was the chief guest but he could not keep his appointment. The organisers did not bother to announce this till 11:00 am. Renowned social worker Abdul Sattar Edhi was to be conferred with the degree of Doctorate Honoris Causa. He was also absent and no explanation was given about it at all.

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