Call for joint efforts among farm research institutes

13 Nov, 2005

Effective co-ordination and co-operation between agricultural research institutions could enhance the quality of agricultural research for the benefit of farming community and could lead to higher per acre yield.
This was stated by Dr Muhammad Ihsan Tasneem, chairman, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (Parc), while addressing agricultural scientists at the Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI), Faisalabad.
Among others, AARI Director General Agriculture (research) Dr Muhammad Afzal and prominent agricultural scientists participated in the meeting.
The Parc chief emphasised the need for concerted efforts by all research institutes to achieve the desired results and boost the quality of agricultural research.
Stressing the need for increased co-operation between federal and provincial agricultural research institutes, the Parc chief stated that the institutes need not compete, but instead facilitate the research activities of other institutes.
Dr Ihsan also said country's research institutes must benefit from the research achievements of foreign research institutes like CIMMYT, JCARDA, and Irri and the interaction with these institutes needs to be enhanced.
Highlighting the importance of training for agricultural scientists to improve research quality, he assured AARI scientists for providing them equal opportunities of training.
Earlier, Dr Muhammad Afzal briefed the Parc chairman about the research activities and achievements of the institute. He also informed the meeting about the new varieties developed at the institute.
Dr Afzal stressed the need for increased operational budget to boost agricultural research in Punjab.
The Parc chairman visited biotechnology and pesticides research laboratories of the institute, and evinced keen interest in biotechnology techniques used to develop disease-free and high-yielding varieties at the Institute.
He also appreciated the facilities provided at pesticides lab to analyse the quality of pesticides, and visited agricultural exhibition arranged at AARI and examined the new varieties developed at the institute.

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