'Prior permission necessary to dig roads'

14 Nov, 2005

District Nazim Hyderabad, Kanwar Naveed Jamil, has directed all nation building departments not to cut any road or any other infrastructure without prior permission from district government Hyderabad to avoid inconvenience to people and loss of national exchequer. He was presiding over a meeting regarding safety and sustainability of development works in the district at his office.
The meeting was also attended by Taluka Nazims, representatives of all nation-building departments, especially public utility departments and other officers of the district government.
He emphasised upon the management of the nation-building departments specially public utility departments to prepare their future plans of development in advance and submit the same to the district government Hyderabad.
He asked them to get the road cutting permission from the district government with condition of repair payment if necessary, failing which legal action will be initiated against the involved individuals and organisations.
The Nazim also warned the private builders and developers to refrain from these activities failing which they will also be booked according to law.
He said instructions were being issued to the District Police Officer Hyderabad for action on the spot.
Kanwar Naveed said district government Hyderabad will not allow any one to create difficulties for the masses.
The Nazim said Executive District Officer Works Hyderabad has been appointed as focal person to facilitate the nation-building departments and private builders.
The EDO Works will also ensure close co-ordination among them for integrated development works in the district.
He advised all the stakeholders to remain in touch with Executive District Officer Works Hyderabad while launching any development work which needs road cutting or demolition of other infrastructure of the district government.

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