Over 8,000 schools, colleges destroyed in quake: minister

15 Nov, 2005

Federal Minister for Education Javed Ashraf on Monday said more than 8,000 schools, colleges and universities were destroyed in AJK and NWFP during October 8 catastrophic earthquake.
However, the education minister did not disclose how many students were killed and wounded in the quake and who was responsible for the loss of whole generation of students because of sub-standard constructions.
Giving break out of large scale destruction, Javed Ashraf Qazi said around 5,953 educational institutes were destroyed in AJK while nearly 2,159 institutions turned into rubble in NWFP during the killer earthquake.
The minister stated this while speaking at the 'Co-ordination for Education Rehabilitation Conference' here on Monday held under the chairmanship of Federal Minister for Education. AJK Education Minister, representatives of the Federal Relief Commission, Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority, Chairmen of Punjab, NWFP and AJK Textbook Boards besides, representatives of international donor agencies, World Bank, ADB, NGOs and senior officials of the federal and provincial education departments attended the meeting.
The minister said there was some difference in the figures collected by government officials and International agencies, which he hoped, could be settled before the International Donor Conference.
He said the real and credible damage data of October 8 Earthquake would be a strong source of securing commitments from the International donors in November 19th Conference.
Top priority of the government, he said was the revival of education system but said it would take 10 to 12 months in the reconstruction and renovation of damaged schools and colleges' buildings.
The minister informed participants education ministry had accommodated more than 3,000 affected students from class one to eight in the tent schools established in the Tent Village at H-11 with free books, bags, and uniform.
"The students from class nine to 12 would be provided free education in regular schools of Islamabad Capital Territory and the ministry of education has also arranged accommodation in hostel for female students of the AJK," he added.
The minister called upon the provincial education authorities of NWFP to follow the suit of federal education ministry and accommodate dislodged students in schools/ colleges of provincial metropolis with free education and boarding.
He expressed hope it would take from six to 10 months to settle students back in their native areas. The meeting appreciated the opening of 800 schools and 30 colleges by AJK government.

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