Mohtasib directs reduction in inflated Wasa bill

16 Nov, 2005

As directed by Punjab Ombudsman Abdur Rashid Khan, Wasa authorities have reduced an inflated bill of water supply charges sent to a citizen.
According to details, complainant Muhammad Nazir averred that he got water connection sanctioned by Wasa, but was issued bill for payment of water supply and sewerage charges in excessive amount.
Therefore, he had the supply disconnected and arranged water supply through an electric pump. He submitted that he sent applications to Wasa for not sending the bills, but these were not responded.
The complainant maintained that as he was using the sewerage facility only, therefore, he should be charged for that facility and not for the water supply.
In his reply, the Wasa deputy director (revenue) said the complainant obtained a domestic water supply and sewerage connection on the basis of five Marla property.
The complainant, however, violated clause 6 of the agreement by using connection as commercial, with the result that the connection was converted from residential to commercial. Wasa stated that the connection was disconnected on 17-6-1996 due to non-payment of the dues, but was restored by the complainant illegally.
In his rejoinder, the complainant pointed out that Wasa had admitted that the connection was disconnected, whereas in the same report it has also stated that no disconnection order was found in its office record. He said the connection admittedly was disconnected by Wasa, which was never restored by him.
After hearing both sides, Punjab Ombudsman Abdur Rashid directed Wasa to delete the demand raised against the complainant regarding water supply, after the date of disconnection. However, the order stated that the arrears of water supply for the period prior to disconnection, and sewerage charges for the entire period, should be recovered from the complainant.
The ombudsman also ordered that, in future, the Wasa managing director should ensure that, if any consumer illegally restores the connection, after its disconnection by the Agency, the consumer should be issued show-cause notice for taking necessary legal action against him in accordance with the law and proceedings taken in such case, should be placed on the relevant file as proof, in order to avoid any confusion.
In a compliance report, The Wasa deputy director (revenue) has submitted that the bill of Rs 65.703, previously issued to the complainant, has now been revised to Rs 25,190 in the light of directions issued by the ombudsman.
He pointed out that the new amount of Rs 25,190 was based on water supply charges of Rs 5,199, pertaining to the period prior to disconnection, and Rs 19,991 as sewerage charges for the entire period.

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