Monitoring of cotton exports

16 Nov, 2005

This refers to the article by S. A. Aziz Shah published in the issue of November 7, 2005 in your esteemed daily on the above subject.
In the portion of the article referred to above, S. A. Aziz Shah has objected to the role of the KCA in monitoring the system covering all aspects of export of raw cotton, including settlement of foreign claims and action against the defaulters in line with International Cotton Association (ICA), formerly Liverpoort Cotton Association, UK.
This is to clarify that the KCA has a dispute resolution mechanism of its own provided that the buyer and seller of Pakistan raw cotton conclude export sales agreement having KCA Arbitration Clause.
In the absence of ICA Arbitration Clause in the sales agreement, the ICA is also unable to take any action against defaulters. It is hardly possible for the KCA to monitor export of raw cotton, settle foreign claims and take necessary action against the defaulters, if any in the absence of the KCA Arbitration Clause.
However, the KCA will welcome, if the government of Pakistan through the Export Promotion Bureau make it mandatory that the export of raw cotton can only be effected by the KCA members. This will eliminate unscrupulous elements as it had done in the case of export of rice from Pakistan.

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