Poultry Association to start vaccination drive

19 Nov, 2005

The Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) has decided to launch a mass scale vaccination campaign against Avian Influenza H7 and H9 in view of the lurking danger of the disease reported in some Asian countries.
The central executive committee of the Association discussing the issue in detail on Friday expressed satisfaction over the report of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, that in Pakistan no case of bird Flu (N5H1) has been reported. The meeting was presided over by Raza Mahmood Khursand.
To avoid the potential threat of disease spread in Pakistan and to have an effective system of reporting and surveillance, following decisions were taken in the PPA CEC meeting:
a) Mass scale vaccination against Avian Influenza H7 and H9 will be carried out.
b) Monitoring of all areas will be carried out at provincial level and Pakistan Poultry Association will arrange to send samples from all over Pakistan to National Veterinary Laboratory to make conclusive diagnosis and confirmation of any disease.
c) Strict hygienic and sanitation measures will be adopted for the safety of workers.
d) In case of any emergency a rescue plan has been worked out in detail to ensure prompt and effective action.
e) The Association will co-ordinate with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock to meet any emergent situation.
f) It was unanimously agreed that Public Health will be given top priority in all the planning.

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