Message from Immediate Past Chairman, Pakistan Advertising Association

21 Nov, 2005

I congratulate the Daily Business Recorder for its timely initiative to arrange a supplement on 24th ADASIA 05 Singapore, a learning conference, based on the theme "Winning in Asia" going to be held on 21st to 23rd November, 2005 at Singapore.
Occasions like the ADASIA are important moments. They bring us opportunity to look back critically at the distance so far covered. Many a milestones shall be crossed along the way and to look hopefully forward to the vistas lying ahead.
At ADASIA 05 Pakistan Advertising Association will bid to host ADASIA 09 in Pakistan second time Pakistan which may have the privilege to host his extra ordinary event.
The 16th ADASIA held in Pakistan in the year 1989, had fully managed to achieve objectives ie putting Pakistan on the world map of Advertising in a prominent manner. It had also succeeded in projecting very clear prospective of profession and imparted knowledge, know-how and the dynamics of profession.
We at Pakistan Advertising Association would like to reaffirm our commitment to the completion of a journey we embarked upon.

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