Comments on Adasia 2005

21 Nov, 2005

AdAsia is the biggest event of its kind in Asia and it brings a galaxy of thought leaders and captains of industry from around the world to share their vision for the advertising world of tomorrow. After the stellar show at Jaipur two years ago, AdAsia is now gracing Singapore.
I am sure the organisers have planned a feast for all the delegates eyes, ears and minds. A large conference of this nature helps the professionals working on all sides of the advertising business, marketing, media, advertising, research, to meet on a common forum, relook at the issues and develop fresh perspectives.
Asia, with Japan, China and India, is going to be the most exciting place for marketers and advertisers. With a growing economy, advertising will become all the more important fuel for growth.
Asia needs to put its head together to relook at the way advertising is created, sold and aired. The rules developed in the developed western world may not all be equally applicable in these Asian countries. Asia will have to 'adapt' many of the global best practices if Asian brand have to take on the might of the Global majors.
Similarly, Global brands will have to figure out the formulae that will work better in the developing Asian markets. We are indeed living in interesting times. And the ad world in Asia is where all the action is happening. AdAsia is bound to light a few new fuses and ingnite many minds with new concepts and constructs.'
(The writer is President The Advertising Club Bombay)

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