Pakistan - A fast thriving economy

21 Nov, 2005

Scenarios are never static. They keep on changing from time to time with little or no regard to their environment. Only, about five years back, Pakistan, the sixth largest country in Asia, was under immense political and economic stress due to sanctions imposed on it after nuclear tests.
This was a desperately trying situation for a developing country that had already experienced two major set backs in 1965 and 1971. Apparently, there seemed to be no signs of immediate relief whatsoever, and Pakistan in all probabilities was heading towards a major economic disaster.
As change is a continuing phenomenon, it took its turn and Pakistan's economy started exhibiting an upward trend in less than a year.
The foreign exchange reserves that were deplorably low, shot up favourably, foreign investment started pouring in, exports got revitalised and within two to three years there was literally a boom in various sectors.
In fact, the present government's liberal policies to accelerate the pace of development in the country resulted in a turnaround stabilising the overall economic structure.
This was all achieved specifically by virtue of government's privatisation policy, encouragement of foreign investment in energy, communication and banking sectors, promotion of real estate business and devising free media policy. These measures combined together, accounted for an unprecedented boost in our country's economy stabilising trade and industry as a whole.
The development of advertising profession in any country depends largely on the development of trade and industry.
The opening of trade routes with neighbouring countries, especially Central Asian States also played a significant role, the achievement of which goes to the credit of President General Pervez Musharraf and his devoted team.
Advertising in Pakistan is now thriving at a faster pace with the development process being in full swing.
Add to this, the change in foreign policy which gaining momentum by and by brining more positive results, some of which are already placed on record. This will certainly go a long way in contributing to the present socio-economic structure.
Pakistan, therefore, is now well poised to take off the newer dimensions to play an even important role in the global market with an enduring promise to the advertising industry. It's because of the enhanced advertising activity that quite a good number of advertising agencies have sought affiliation with renowned foreign advertising companies which is gradually on the increase.
The spread and advancement of communication technology, media houses, F.M. raido and T.V. channels, etc have further augmented the advertising activity in Pakistan while a number of new channels both F.M. and T.V. are on the waiting list for approval by the government.
Pakistan had the opportunity to play host to AdAsia 89 at Lahore - the historic city of Pakistan. It now intends to bid AdAsia 2009 to be held at the same venue, that's Lahore. Lahore is known all over the world for its rich cultural heritage. It has splendid monuments and buildings that speak loud for the pomp and glory of Mughals.
Lahore, however, is now a blend of old and new. Those who will be visiting this city after twenty long years would certainly find a lot of change in its complexion as a whole. In fact, Pakistan itself can be regarded as the repertoire of ancient civilisation and culture. Its archaeological sites at Harrappa, Taxila, Moenjodaro, Mehr Garh, and Takht Bai, etc are some of the oldest sites in the world.
What's more, Pakistan is also considered as a land of amazing diversities. It has deserts, planes, valleys and mountainous regions with some of the tallest peaks in the world. It has all weathers to enjoy with extreme climatic contrasts from North to South.
Pakistan is now all set to bid for AdAsia 2009 and hopefully by that time, Pakistan would wear an absolutely new look and would be able to play a much more active role in the global market.
(The writer is Managing Director Kimco Advertising (Pvt) Ltd)

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