The ADASIA 2009: an important historical destination

21 Nov, 2005

The 24th Asian Advertising Congress ADASIA 05 is being held in Singapore. This international event built on tradition of success. The leadership of Pakistan Advertising Association PAA has decided to contest for holding this big event of world advertising professionals in the year 2009.
The Srilanka is our competitor for the above contest and chances are visible for Pakistan's success. The people of Pakistan are preparing to host this event and warmly welcome the participants of Advertising world.
No doubt, Pakistan is growing economy but advertising world in our country is having six decades experience. Immediately after independence, the foreign advertising agencies has brought experience from the developed world. The local advertising professionals with their capability and ability learnt from the world-wide experience.
The 16th Advertising Congress Adasia 89 was held in Lahore, which was marked as one of the successful international event by the Asian Federation of Advertising Associations AFAA.
The five thousands old cultural heritage will attract the participants to see this new-born country. The real story of Pakistan - the Pakistan that has existed from the beginning of time and not the one said to have been born six decades ago. Pakistan must be studied as separate from India. The Moughal Empire, which the British broke up between 1757 to 1857, belongs to us.
It was really Pakistan, which British captured in 1757, then it was not known by this name. The word Sindh and Indus are derived from the antique holy word Sindhi which mean the river. The valley of Indus was known as "Septa Sindhu" means land of seven rivers. Under Arabic influence the name is change to Hind and later in English language modified as India.
There is hardly any doubt, therefore, that if India must be the name of specific territory is the Indus Valley and hence the modern Pakistan.
Ian Stephen says, "Present day India's borders are such that she has no right to the name. Strictly India should mean the Indus Valley". The lack of knowledge is depriving Pakistan of its cultural heritage and historical importance, attributing it instead to parts of the sub continent, which remain uncivilised till a much later date.
This injustice to our history must be undone for the sake of posterity.
Pakistan is located at the junction of Western Asia. Himalayas and Karakoram range bound it on the north, north-west by Hindu Kush and Suleman mountains, west by Afghanistan, east by India and south by Arabian Sea.
Known history of Pakistan dates back to about 3000 BC. In ancient times it was known as Sapta Sindhu probably because seven rivers Indus, Ravi, Chenab, Sutlej, Jhelum, Beas and Swat flowed through it. The areas that today constitute Pakistan have existed as a nation for about 6000 years. Boundaries never stay as they are and countries continue to shrink and expand. The factor, which remains constant, is the people, the nation.
This history, thus, is not of countries as they appear on the map at a certain time; history is of the people who never perish through generations. The pride we must take, therefore, is not in the insulting demarcation of our present boundaries by and Alien power, but in the fact that we, the Pakistanis have ruled to this destiny of South Asia for so long in the past.
We must talk of 5000 years of Pakistan, not mere a sixty. We must work, not for gaining the glory. We have had our times of excellence in the past, the last one less than 300 years ago (During the Mughal Empire, when literacy percentage was eighty, people were prosperous and we were ruling over all the countries south of Himalayas). The next period of excellence will surely will be enjoyed by our next generations by they will achieve it earlier if they seek it.
Beside this promise of a better future, history has something for the present also - the sense of pride, the feeling of inherent greatness so essential for achievement.
A new generation, which grows up with the sense of pride, lives through with it. And a proud generation is the best assets we can pass on to the future. Latest create that proud generation of Pakistanis. Let us tell them and the rest of the world the true history of eventful of 5000 years of Pakistan, and let us do it now, with honesty dedication and boldness.
Pakistan is a country of migrants with a common religion Islam, divided by their origins, languages, sects and religions. It has built much of industries, roads, power stations and dams in 60 years. Pakistan national language is Urdu, which was originally the language of Mughal armies.
Our major attraction for potential of foreign investors to Pakistan is the size of its market with 150 million peoples.
The country has a proven capability for sustainable industrial growth, reflected by its experience in the 1960s. When it was rated as a model country for the developing countries.
Pakistan with 1000 kms Sea coastal areas rivers and mountains in northern part country make beautiful tourism point,. The government has anned to build a most modren beach on 14 kms of costal area to known as water front with all world standard entertainment will be available to tourist. Beside cultural and historical important sites ie Mohenjodaro, Harrapa, Texila Bhambhura will also attract the visitors of Adasia to find the veal history of this beautiful land of the earth.

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