CBR needs more reforms to build image: Yusuf

22 Nov, 2005

The Central Board of Revenue needs thorough and quick reforms ie transparency, capacity building, maximum induction of modern machinery and automation to rectify its image and credibility among the stakeholder.
"Unfortunately, CBR is known as corrupt and inefficient organisation," CBR Chairman Abdullah Yousaf said while addressing the participants of 'Manager Skill Development Program for CBR Executives', here on Monday at IBA City Campus.
The Institute of Business Administration was conducting this capacity building program. IBA had contributed a lot in managerial and professional skill development through a wide range of short courses and training for various organisations besides degree and Master programs.
Yousaf said CBR should be equipped with right mind and skilled tax administrators and collectors, and better infrastructure along with constant review of its working to keep pace with the changes around the world.
CBR principally deals with two main issues, tax administration and implementing fiscal/tax policy, which call for enhancement of its efficiency and ensure transparency at all levels.
It is supposed to help entrepreneurs by removing all blockades in their business operations, which would ultimately lead to proper implementation of fiscal policy.
Over the last three years, Yusuf said, CBR had improved a lot in revenue collection but still its contribution to GDP was very low, in the region, which makes 9.5 percent of GDP. CBR would have to make a quantum jump in collection of internal taxes ie income tax, sales tax as tax collection from external trade would further declined with reduction of tariffs. "Hence, we would have to increase our tax network based new technologies and strong databank. Definite information through data bank would also enable tax collectors to confront with those who are paying less taxes."
He underlined the need for re-engineering of business process to cope with the changes. "First we should simplify and minimise the documentation for shifting to total automation to avoid resultant complications."
About CBR's infrastructure development, he said that after successful functioning of large taxpayers units and medium taxpayers units, now Regional Tax Offices are being set up. Besides, 12 modern customs houses are planned in the country, which would be completed in the next couple of months.
He said that efficient people equipped with modern skills and technologies would be placed at these reformed CBR facilities.
"We should look at good role models in the region for further correction," he emphasised
The CBR Chairman acknowledged IBA for its contribution in promoting professional and managerial skills for the benefit of the country.
Earlier, Dr Danishmand briefed about the status and applicability of this skill development program for CBR executives.

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