Pakistan industrial moot from December 2

23 Nov, 2005

Site Association of Industry (SAI) chairman Dr Mirza Ikhtair Baig has said the association is organising a first ever two-day Pakistan industrial conference from December 2.
Addressing a press conference at the association office on Tuesday, he said the conference would be held jointly with board of investment (BoI) and Mediators conferences.
He said at the inaugural session, the association will also distribute Export Trophy Awards 2004=05 to acknowledge excellent performance of exporters and heads of multinationals that have contributed 2.8 billion dollars toward total exports of Pakistan.
He said he attached great importance to this conference and added this conference will provide a dialogue forum to leading industrialists and the government. It will give us an opportunity to work together for encouraging and attracting investment in the country.
He said the main object of the conference is to develop strategy for sustainable growth of industrial sector; to provide an opportunity to discuss challenges facing the industrial sector in the medium term perspective; to provide an opportunity to leading industrialists, financial sector, government officials and independent economists for free and formal interaction on issues related to growth; and to project the economic and social contribution of the industrial sector to the economy.
He urged the government to establish special industrial zones in earthquake-hit areas. He also demanded the European Union (EU) should give similar concession to Pakistan as given to tsunami-hit areas.

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