SBP 'Learning Resource Centre' inaugurated

23 Nov, 2005

"Acquiring knowledge is a perpetual process and one should never think that the process has stopped." These philosophical reflections were voiced by Dr Ishrat Husain, Governor, State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), while inaugurating the 'Learning Resource Centre' of the SBP at the Head Offices of the Bank here on Tuesday.
He said that some people often ask him why a regulatory body like SBP has the learning resource centre. "It is not a University".
He said: "I have a simple answer for them that we are not living in the era of agricultural or industrial economy. We are living in the environment of knowledge economy. If we cease to learn, we will be hibernating.
The learning process will stop, and so will the pace of the professional progress."
The old library, with its Greco-Roman pillars, and built with Jodhpur stones and a relic of the British Raj, will be converted into a museum. The history and chronological development of the SBP will be exhibited here for the people of all ages to see and enjoy the work of SBP in building a new nation from scratch.
The Governor said that the SBP had two post-induction training programmes. First one is National Institute of Banking and Finance (NIBF), and the other is in the different departments of SBP.
All departments of SBP have resources for nurturing and increasing the professional knowledge of the staff. That enables the central bank to maintain the highest level of professionalism and imparting latest knowledge to its staff.
Dr Husain said he hoped that the new state-of-the-art 'Learning Resource Centre' would help the SBP to increase the frequency of seminars, workshops and other training programmes. "The banking sector should use all resources and become a collective force", he added.
The Governor extended invitation to all members of the banking sector to come and use these resources to enhance their knowledge. He lamented the paradox of the society and observed that though the books had become a dream for the lower and middle-income groups, the libraries were empty.
Tawfiq Husain, Deputy Governor of the SBP, was full of praise for the visionary and mercurial quality of Dr Ishrat Husain. "The concept, dream and the realisation of the dream belongs to him", he said. "The inauguration of the 'Learning Resource Centre' is a tribute to him," he added.
Earlier, Riaz Ahmed, Director, Corporate Department said that the library in the 'Learning Resource Centre' had acquired 70,000 new books on financial topics and literary books in English, Urdu and regional languages.
He thanked all those persons whose dedication and missionary zeal helped them realise this vision that would "help many in acquiring knowledge and increasing their professionalism".

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