UN urged to provide more assistance for quake victims

24 Nov, 2005

The former AJK Prime Minister and leader of the opposition in AJK Legislative Assembly Barrister Sultan Mahmmod Chaudhry met Heide Kutaib the United Nations director for Humanitarians Affairs here on Wednesday.
Both the leaders discussed the latest situation of relief and rescue operations in the quake hit affected areas of Pakistan. Sultan lauded the role of United Nations (UN) in relief and rescue operation.
Sultan added that although the relief and assistance goods were being provided to the quake hit rural affected areas but more assistance was required because the cold and chilly weather had started.
He called upon the UN high-ups to provide more assistance for the welfare of the quake-affectees.
Former AJK premier told UN Humanitarians Affairs director that the October 8 earthquake devastated about the whole infrastructure of the State and now the national volunteers were playing a vital role in the relief operation alongside army and NGOs.
Heide Kutib assured Sultan that UN was fully committed to provide relief and assistance to the quake-affectees and added that assistance process would be continued till the staring of reconstruction and rehabilitation process.
He told Sultan that UN asked those countries who's helicopters were working in the relief operation to stay in Pakistan so that relief process could be continued in the cold weather and added that all the countries had agreed.

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