Machine tools, auto parts industry show opens

24 Nov, 2005

Pakistan's first international exhibition on machine tools and automation industry, co-locating auto and auto parts industry started here on Wednesday.
The four-day exhibition, November 23-26, at the Karachi Expo Centre was opened for the trade visitors, members of business and industry with an impressive inaugural ceremony where former President KCCI, Khalid Feroz, was the chief guest.
More than 60 local and foreign companies from 11 countries were participating in the exhibition.
In his inaugural address, Khalid Feroz appreciated the efforts of Pegasus Consultancy in bringing together local and foreign companies at an interactive platform.
He further stressed upon the continual need for such professional and trade events for the local industry and ensured full support on behalf of the members of Karachi Chamber.
"We will do everything to promote trade and industry in Pakistan, especially in Karachi", he said.
Khalid Feroz also acknowledged the favourable policies of the government that facilitated for holding of such trade events within Pakistan.
Welcoming the participants to the show, Aasim A Siddiqui, Managing Director of the organising company, Pegasus Consultancy, informed that his company was the pioneer of organising international trade exhibitions in Pakistan, with more than 25 shows to its credit.
Talking of the current show, Aasim Siddiqui informed that these two shows bring to Pakistan the perfect international marketplace, where many local and international companies are there to take benefits of the fast-paced growth in our engineering industry as well as our large-scale manufacturing sector.
The inaugural ceremony was attended largely by diplomatic and trade missions from abroad, exhibitors, industrialists and members of media.
Khalid Feroz, later visited the exhibition, met exhibitors and showed keen interest in the machinery and products on display.
A large assortment of automobiles, trucks, bikes, auto parts, latest technology and machinery is put on display at the exhibition. Exhibits also include lathe machines, milling machines, engine components, engineering devices etc.
The exhibition will conclude on November 26, Saturday and is expected to attract more than 15,000 trade visitors and decision makers from all over the country.

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