Minister wants action against PML MNA

24 Nov, 2005

PML Senior Vice President Punjab and provincial minister, Muhammad Arshad Khan Lodhi has called upon the top PML leadership that a reference be filed before the Election Commission to get the membership of PML MNA Farooq Amjad Mir cancelled.
In a statement, Lodhi pointed out that Farooq Amjad Mir, having made bogus signatures of the MNAs on a document, has committed such an act that was cognisable morally, legally and in every respect. He expressed the hope that the reference would get accepted since it fulfils all the legal demands.
He deplored that Farooq Amjad Mir got votes from the electorates of his constituency in the name of Muslim League while it was the demand of morality that he would announce to contest the election on the ticket of his favourite party after resigning from the Assembly.
He announced that the decisions, which the Muslim League, had taken to maintain discipline in its ranks, would strictly be acted upon.

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