Accord signed to expand economic ties with Jakarta

25 Nov, 2005

Pakistan and Indonesia on Thursday signed a framework accord on expanding economic co-operation and expressed willingness to conclude Free Trade Agreement (FTA) at the earliest after formal talks between President General Pervez Musharraf and his counterpart Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Commerce minister Humayun Akhtar Khan and his Indonesian counterpart signed the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Partnership (FACEP) in the presence of two leaders.
A joint statement issued after formal talks between leaders of the two countries welcomed signing of the FACEP and expressed their willingness to sign a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) soon.
To ensure a fast-track strategy toward this goal, it was decided relevant ministries would negotiate an agreement on Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) in near future.
President Yudhoyono expressed on behalf of the government and people of Indonesia his most profound condolences, sympathy and solidarity to the government and people of Pakistan for October 8 earthquake. He also offered Indonesia''s assistance to help alleviate suffering of the earthquake victims.
President Yudhoyono also expressed heartfelt gratitude for Pakistan''s support to Indonesia during tsunami crisis.
President Musharraf and his Indonesian counterpart agreed that terrorism constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.
"Pakistan and Indonesia, being themselves the target of terrorist actions, unequivocally condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations," the two leaders said.
Both the leaders reaffirmed the need to counter tendencies to associate terrorism with any religion. They underlined necessity of addressing root causes of terrorism, which included poverty, inequity, injustice and oppression. The two leaders condemned recent terrorist attacks in Bali on October 1 and in Karachi on November 15. They committed to fully support each other to eradicate the threat of terrorism.
President Musharraf commended Indonesian government for their success in raiding and subsequently killing one of the most wanted terrorists in Indonesia, Dr Azahari, recently.
The Indonesia side welcomed the composite dialogue process between Pakistan and India. It hoped for success of the dialogue process that included confidence-building measures (CBMs), Jammu and Kashmir, and other bilateral issues.
Pakistan and Indonesia also acknowledged the potential of Saarc in bringing stability and prosperity to South Asian region, and earnestly hoped that Saarc would be an effective forum to bring peace and prosperity in the region.
Indonesia and Pakistan recognised stability and development in Afghanistan was vital for regional peace.
The two leaders reaffirmed the importance of close relations between Indonesia and Pakistan and expressed their conviction that President Yudhoyono''s successful visit to Pakistan would enhance friendly and brotherly relations between the two nations. The two leaders pledged to remain in close contact with each other.
President Yudhoyono, on behalf of the Indonesian government and people, expressed his appreciation to the government and people of Pakistan for the warm hospitality extended to him and his entourage.
He invited President Musharraf to visit Indonesia on mutually convenient dates. The invitation was accepted with pleasure, with dates to be decided through diplomatic channels.
Speaking at a banquet President Musharraf hosted for President Yudhoyono at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, he said Pakistan desires to foster strong economic relations with Asia Pacific countries as part of its Vision East Asia policy.
Senate chairman, National Assembly speaker, federal ministers and services chiefs attended the banquet.
Musharraf expressed the hope the two countries would be able to conclude early harvest agreement followed by the Free Trade Agreement.
The Indonesian stated that the two countries would further expand their trade and economic ties.
President Yudhoyono praised the Pakistani leader for his key efforts in the global fight against terrorism and also appreciated his emphasis on reforming the OIC.

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