ILO to start $3 million labour-intensive plan in quake-hit areas

25 Nov, 2005

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) will kick off labour intensive and skilled programme costing $3 million in quake-stricken areas of Pakistan and this proposed training programme would be carried out in early next year, said Geir Myrstad, head, programme support, Reporting Resource Planning Section, ILO-Ipec, Geneva.
Talking to media men here on Wednesday evening at the Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), he said under the programme, special attention would be accorded to ensure skilled training to quake-hit people aimed at enabling them to earn their livelihood in a respectable way.
The international community and donors are doing more and more for generating sufficient funds for the rehabilitation of quake-affected people, and it is heartening that the world community in recently held donors' conference had done a lot for Pakistan, he said.
About the elimination of child labour from the soccer ball industry of Sialkot, he said that undoubtedly, the business community engaged in soccer ball manufacturing had played a tremendous role under the 'child labour elimination programme in soccer ball industry' for purging the menace of child labour. It is a success story of unique nature and a role model for others to follow, Geir viewed.

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