15 million kids administered polio drops

26 Nov, 2005

The government of Pakistan is taking all possible measures to eradicate polio from the country and frequent polio moves are being organised all over country to vaccinate the toddlers to keep them away from this dangerous disease.
During the present anti-polio campaign started from November 22 and lasted till Thursday 15.2 million children below 5 year of age were vaccinated in the Punjab province, sources in Health Department Rawalpindi told this scribe.
They said that more than 37,286 EPI teams were working in the province for vaccination of the children. Besides vaccination facility in hospitals, basic health units and other places the EPI teams went door to door for administering polio drops to children below 5.
They said that 1,157 zonal supervisors were deputed for monitoring, besides appointment of 6,224 area in charges for this purpose. Whereas 269 campaign support persons would also observe the campaign besides the provincial health authorities.
It is imperative that all segments of society, particularly Ulema, should come forward and help government to create awareness among general public against this menace and persuade the parents for the administration of polio drops to their children, the officials said. They said that the polio vaccine was effective/safe and repeated doses of polio vaccine could save the children from this curse.

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