Preston University holds seminar

26 Nov, 2005

The Preston University organised a seminar on "Scientific & Religious Perspectives of Natural Calamities" at its campus in Islamabad. Eminent scholars and experts presented their point of view on the topic.
Chairman of the Islamic Ideology Council Dr Muhammad Khalid Masud was the chief guest on the occasion.
Addressing a distinguished gathering of educationists, intellectuals and students Dr Khalid thanked the organisers for organising a seminar so important and central to the interest of all segments of the Pakistani as well as the world community.
He said the earthquake that hit northern Pakistan on October 8, 2005 had no parallel in the history of natural calamities that have ever struck the world. He maintained the catastrophic earthquake of October 8 has caused devastation of indefinable proportions in the areas struck by it.
It has raised thousands of houses in the affected areas to ground and has rendered millions homeless. Beyond doubt it has also tragically taken its toll on the lives of more than 75,000 innocent people, he said.
Holding of a seminar in the wake of such a heart-rending calamity, to look into its scientific and religious perspective aspects was indeed pertinent and praiseworthy, Dr Khalid Masud maintained.
Eminent scholars and scientists who presented their views on the subject were Dr Tahseenullah Khan, Assistant Director Geological Survey of Pakistan and Professor Dr Jamil Qalander Khan from the International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Dr Tahseenullah dealt with the topic from its scientific perspective, while Dr Jamil Qalandar presented his views on the subject from its religious viewpoint.
The thought provoking presentations made by both the speakers stimulated the atmosphere and it generated lots of questions from the audience present on the occasion.
Earlier, in his welcome address the Chancellor Preston University, Dr Abdul Basit extended a warm welcome to the chief guest Dr M. Khalid Masud, Chairman of Islamic Ideology Council and the distinguished speakers and guests. He expressed his gratitude to them for their participation in the seminar.

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