Japan probe lands, collects samples on asteroid

27 Nov, 2005

A Japanese space probe made history on Saturday when it landed on the surface of an asteroid and then collected rock samples that could give clues to the origin of the solar system.
The probe, called Hayabusa - Japanese for "falcon" - succeeded in the delicate task which scientists have likened to landing a jumbo jet in a moving Grand Canyon. It was its second and final attempt.
After analysing data transmitted from the unmanned probe, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said Hayabusa had touched down on the asteroid, nearly 300 million km (190 million miles) from Earth.
The probe then shot a 5-gramme (0.18 oz) metal ball towards the surface at a speed of 1,080 kph (670 mph), collecting into a capsule the debris unleashed as a result of the impact, JAXA officials said.
"I am delighted to hear that it has collected the samples. It is the world's first such feat and it will contribute greatly to mankind's exploration of space," Science and Technology Minister Iwao Matsuda said in a statement.
The United States and the former Soviet Union have brought back samples from the Moon in the past, but it is the first time that surface material from an asteroid has been collected.
JAXA scientists at its main space control centre in western Tokyo smiled and let out cheers after confirming the successful landing.
JAXA officials had said Saturday's attempt would be the final one as Hayabusa did not have enough fuel for another attempt and would have to head back to Earth.
The probe's capsule containing the samples is due to land in the Australian outback in June 2007.
The asteroid is named after pioneering Japanese rocket scientist Hideo Itokawa.

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