Smeda team returns from Tunisia

29 Nov, 2005

A three-member delegation of Industrial Information Network (IIN) of Smeda returned home after participating in World Summit on Information Systems and ICT4All exhibition held last week in Tunis capital of Tunisia.
While commenting on the conclusions come out of this conference, Salman Khalid Project Manager IIN, who led the delegation, said that over 174 countries adopted the Tunis Commitment and the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society.
The summit was an important stepping-stone in the world's efforts to eradicate poverty and to attain the internationally agreed development goals and objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) laid out in the Geneva Plan during the first phase of WSIS in December 2003.
The objective of participation was to promote government's continuous efforts and support towards the use of ICT for enhancing the lives of a common men as well as facilitation for businesses. The team members in their meetings at various platforms shared the different initiatives taken by the government, their outcomes and learned from the experiences of other similar initiatives in different countries.
The IIN team also presented the recently launched project ie Industrial Information Network (IIN) at global knowledge partnership (GKP), United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and ITC which was appreciated by many organisations and country representatives. Some organisations also expressed their interest in implementing a similar project in their countries and requested to establish partnership with IIN to learn more about the project.
The participation in WSIS and ICT4All proved to be very successful in which knowledge sharing and identification of potential participation has been achieved. The government should ensure participation in similar events to give more exposure to the initiatives taken within the country to enhance the country's image.-PR

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