EDB to organise Hannover Fair in April 2006

29 Nov, 2005

Engineering Development Board (EDD) has decided to organise Hannover Fair 2006 from April 24-28, 2006 in Hannover, Germany. The decision was taken by the Business Development Committee of the Engineering Development Board (EDB). It also decided to double the number of Pakistani exhibitors, delegates and space of pavilion for the Fair.
Pakistan will concentrate on the subjects such as sub-contracting, energy and engineering. As per decision the number of Pakistani exhibitors and delegates would be increased to 70 and 130, respectively, against 35 and 80 this years.
It was decided that Hannover 2006 would be held under the banner of Engineering Development Board with the financial assistance of PIDC.
The committee formed three working groups and also decided to further refine the assessment criteria of exhibitors and delegates.
The target date for dispatch of exhibits to Hannover has been fixed as February 15, 2006 and the exhibitors and the delegates will be imparted training at programmes to be held in Karachi, Lahore before December.
The committee decided that in order to be recognised as the regular participants at the event the Pakistan pavilion should be branded in the same design and manner as was done at last Hannover Messe.
EDB has asked the industrial units to apply for registration of their products in the list of locally manufactured goods.

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