The chaos that is Karachi

01 Dec, 2005

Once upon a time when we were kids it seemed a pleasure to drive through Karachi at night. To watch the trees whiz by in the darkness broken by the soft streetlights. Not any more, the skyline is afflicted by ugly ubiquitous billboards and hoardings, lit by bright garish lights.
God knows how much electricity they consume, and then the city is inflicted with regular load shedding to make up for it. Is all this excessive waste of energy necessary for commercial purposes ?
To deprive citizens and hospitals of electricity to provide it to commercial foreign-based MNC's, so that they can make more profit or money. Even if the city administration does not check the rampant cancer-like spread of these ugly billboards, they should not allow them to be lit by electricity. Give the poor citizens of Karachi a break, please.

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